Dorsa Brevia
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Charlie Wilcox’s Embroidered Constructions and Animations Volume 1
Friday, May 6th 2022 at 6:00pmOpening on Friday, May 6th, 6-9pm, with a second viewing on Sunday, May 8th, 1-5pm.
Dorsa Brevia is a small gallery in Portland's Old Town that hosts free art and literary events. Dorsa Brevia also publishes chapbooks. We welcome your emails and inquiries at gallery [at] dorsabrevia [dot] space.
The gallery is named after a real place near the south pole of Mars, a region of cavernous lava tubes much like those found on the slopes of the Cascade volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest, and the site of the pivotal Dorsa Brevia Conference in Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy.
ESTABLISHED: July 16, 2018
COORDINATES: 625 NW Everett Street #103
MAX. OCCUPANCY: 45 (10 with table deployed)